Contributed by snowshoe leader Kelly Cleman
This snowshoe was open to non-club members who attended the Snowshoe Seminar held at the library in early December. Six enthusiastic and strong snowshoers took us up on the offer. Two people in the group had never been snowshoeing before, so we wanted to make sure we showed them a good time! It was lightly snowing at the trailhead and there was quite a bit of new snow overnight, but the first part of the trail had already been broken in, so it was easy going for a while. However after the first mile, we caught up with the couple that had been breaking the trail and they gladly let us take over. Over the next 3/4 mile, we took short turns breaking trail and arrived at the Swampy Shelter energized and ready for a break. The original plan was to continue around the loop and meet back up with the first part of the trail using the Porcupine Tie. However, one of the participants was getting a hot spot on their foot and so we decided to head back the way we came along the broken-in trail. It was still snowing as we returned to the trailhead and everyone headed home tired but exhilarated after the lovely day spent out in the snow.