
  • 31 Oct 2024 6:45 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Contributed by hike leader Ann Padgett

    Six hikers were prepared for wind and rain on the Metolious River hike. We started at Wizard Falls hatchery with a few light sprinkles. But they quickly passed and we enjoyed the 6 mile loop under mostly sunny skies. The Metolious is always beautiful and this was no exception with the fall color.

  • 18 Oct 2024 12:24 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Contributed by firewood organizer Gary Elnan

    Firewood stocking is completed for our upcoming winter season.  We completed splitting rounds, stacking firewood, stocking kindling, and wrapping firewood today at Swampy.  There was a great crew of 6 there today (John, David, Ernie, Ed, Donna, and I).  It was a lot of fun and super efficient.  Jeanni and I gathered kindling at Nordeen and Swede yesterday and covered 3 brush burn piles with lumber wrap at Nordeen.  The giant brush burn pile at Swede got covered today by John and Donna.  Nordeen has 3 and Swampy has 1 punky wood piles covered for burning.

    I don't believe we will ever run out of easy firewood rounds at Swampy.  We stocked it using only 2 work days and 9 person days of labor.  We hope to use similar methods next season at the other 3 shelters but they don't have the absurd abundance of easy logs like Swampy.

    The team of folks who contributed really shined.

    All we need now is snow!

  • 13 Oct 2024 9:11 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Contributed by hike leader Gary Jones

    Gorgeous fall weather and spectacular foliage was enjoyed by a group of eight hikers as they walked around Clear Lake. 

  • 7 Oct 2024 8:35 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Text contributed by hike leader John Sweat
    Photos contributed by Jeanni Capell

    Our day started with an Indian Summer day,  beautiful blue sky with a little Fall nip in the air.  As our caravan headed down to the Trailhead and successfully not leaving any car parts while enroute, we came to a wonderful view of the of the Whychus Canyon.  We made it down the canyon trail to the Alder Springs-Whychus Creek crossing; it was an easy ford across to continue on with the hike.  My group of intrepid hikers enjoyed the multiple layers of color in the canyon and rock formations at the confluence of the Deschutes River and Whychus Creek while enjoying a snack.  On the return back we took a short side trip on the Old Bridge Trail to observe some pictographs.
    A big thanks to all those who joined me... Fun times!

  • 4 Oct 2024 4:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    contributed by hike leader Roz O'Donoghue

    The Berley lakes are hidden gems in the Central Oregon Cascades.  Two sparkling off trail lakes were the destination of 8 CONC hikers on a sunny autumn day.  All were enchanted by the vibrant lakeside fall foliage colors, playful dragonflies and diving ducks.   Three Fingered Jack  provided a backdrop hard to surpass.  A hike well worth a return.

  • 15 Sep 2024 7:19 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Contributed by hike leader Gary Jones

    A group of seven hikers enjoyed cool but dry and non-smoky weather for a pleasant hike to Green Lakes.

  • 15 Sep 2024 5:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Contributed by hike leader Roz O'Donoghue

    Friday the 13th was a lucky day for 6 CONC hikers. We walked under clear, sunny skies and excellent air quality after days of smoke. The 12 miles hiked featured older growth forest, several sparkling lakes and an ascent to the summit of Red Butte, a cinder cone 1800 ft higher than the trailhead. We returned via the same route, a bit tired but content from a day well spent.

  • 8 Sep 2024 3:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    It's time to renew your memberhsip, and you can't find the email about it.  That's okay; just log in to your account and go to your profile.  There, you can click the Renew button.

    Here's a screenshot to demonstrate.  Key points highlighted by red arrows:
    1. You must be logged in.  That means your name appears at the top of the screen.  Click on your name to take you to your profile.

    2. Be sure you are looking at your Profile, not your Privacy Settings, Email Subscriptions, or other sections.

    3. Click on the Renew button in the Membership Details section.

  • 6 Sep 2024 4:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Vista Butte Snowshoe Trail is cleared, signed, and ready for snow. With a break from the heat and smoke, CONC volunteers headed out Tuesday in a “Vista Butte or Bust” spirit to finish clearing the abundant blowdown, install trailhead signs, hang reassurance markers and trim for marker visibility. 

    The trail departs from kiosk and begins its 700- foot climb to the summit. It is rated “Most Difficult” due to the elevation gain over its 1-mile length. Be aware that it has been implemented as a Class 2, winter-only trail. It is not cleared to ground and should only be used with a minimum of 12-24" of snow. The alternative, less strenuous route is to reach the summit in about 2 ½ miles via the Nordic trail (share the snow - please stay off the ski tracks).

    Work on this trail began in January 2016 with an initial scouting; followed by refinement, submission to the Forest Service for approval, and this year, construction. 

    Over these years, the following 24 volunteers contributed over 250 hours in scouting, marking, clearing, trimming, brushing, and sign & marker installation on just this trail. Funding for the markers and signs was provided by the Small Projects grant from Deschutes Trails Coalition.

    Dennis Delapp Dennis Damici  Chuck Delcambre    Larry Cohen
    Jo Keen               Sue Sullivan   Christie Crowe   Kurt Keasey
    Gary Evans       Kelly Eager Jodie Heng     Larry Cohen
     Bill Crane  John O'Donnell  Daniele Takla  Bill Crane
    Ed Johnson Charlie Kearns David Anderson    Jim Arneson
    Donna Barton  Bill Burwell  Bill Silliman Bob TImmer

    This project completes the implementation of 4 1/2 miles of new and re-routed snowshoe trails proposed by CONC in 2020 and approved by the Forest Service in October 2021.

    • Dutchman Snowshoe Trail at Dutchman Sno-park

    • Tesla AC/DC Shelter Snowshoe trail at Edison Sno-park
    • Tesla Short Tie Snowshoe Trail at Edison Sno-Park
    • Long Loop Snowshoe trail re-route at Edison Sno-park
    • Summit Bypass Trail at Swampy Sno-park
    • Meissner to Nordeen Snowshoe Trail re-route at Meissner Sno-park
    • Vista Butte Snowshoe Trail at Vista Butte Sno-park
  • 1 Sep 2024 1:12 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Contributed by hike leader Roz O'Donoghue

    6 CONC members experienced a classic club hike on August 27th.  The weather was pleasantly cool with clouds passing by from time to time.   The hike featured several sparkling lakes, a lunchtime summit on a mountain with views, trailside blueberries, dramatic volcanic formations as well as a visit to a historic wagon road in the lava fields.  The hike finished with 6 contented hikers.  

The Central Oregon Nordic Club, PO Box 744, Bend, OR 97709, is chapter of the Oregon Nordic Club, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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