Snowshoe: Vista Butte

  • 12 Jan 2025
  • 9:00 AM
  • Skyline Park
  • 0


  • Ticket type for hiking that require registration.

Registration is closed

Description: We'll tackle CONC's newest snowshoe trail. It's short and very steep in places, but the views at the top are stupendous. You can read more about this trail here

Please be aware that bad weather conditions can alter or even cancel trips. Also note that the difficulty of any trail can change based on current conditions such as recent snowfall and may necessitate changes to the route. Please be on the lookout for emails from the trip leader regarding the trip. 

Distance/hours: Trip is 2-4 miles RT. If there is no parking at the Vista Butte Sno-Park, we will park at Kapka Sno-Park and that will add an additional mile. We can also take a different route down to the trailhead that could involve some trail-breaking and that will add another mile or so. Plan on spending 4-5 hours, including drive time to/from trailhead.

Elevation gain/loss: Approximately 700 ft elevation gain/loss.

Difficulty Level: Difficult due to large gain packed into a short amount of mileage. Only experienced snowshoers should sign up for this trip. Trip will become more difficult than initially rated if we have to do any trail-breaking because of new snow. All participants will take turns breaking trail, if needed.  

What to bring: Winter 10 Essentials, water, snack/lunch. Sno-Park permit if you are driving. Dogs are not allowed on this trip.

Required Equipment: Snowshoes, over-the-ankle waterproof boots, gaiters, hiking poles with large baskets for stability especially if we need to break trail.

Number of participants: 8 participants including the trip leader. Sign up is required.

Meet Up Location Information: Skyline Park is located on Mountaineer Way, across from Cascade Junior High (19619 Mountaineer Way). Turn onto Mountaineer Way, pass the Seven Peaks School parking area entrance; Skyline Park's first parking area is the next right after that. There is a porta-potty in the parking area. Leader will be in a perwinkle blue Subaru Forester. 

Carpooling: Carpooling can be arranged at the meeting place. If you ride with someone, please donate to their gas fund. Be generous for obvious reasons.

Leader: Kelly Cleman, 425-268-3437

The Central Oregon Nordic Club, PO Box 744, Bend, OR 97709, is chapter of the Oregon Nordic Club, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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