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  • 25 Feb 2025 10:14 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Contributed by Instructor Woody Keen

    The forecast going into CONC's Intro to Telemark Clinic was a bit dubious sounding: high winds, cold temps and snowing. A few asked if we planned to cancel and others noted they did not want to drive to and ski at Hoodoo in high winds coming out of the east (Hoodoo faces east so pretty exposed). But for the folks who did join Mark and I, we were all treated to a great day of skiing. Winds were not nearly as bad as predicted, fresh snow for fun and beauty, and the clouds parted giving us great views of 3 Finger Jack and other nearby mountains. It was truly a great day of skiing and learning the telemark turn, the oldest and best turn on snow.

    For those interested in learning more and finding out about other opportunities:
    Join Bend Area Telemark Skiers and look for opportunities that fit your skill level, we host group skis from Beginner Friendly skills progression skis to Intermeasy (intermediate but at a mellow pace, and more advanced. Find us here: Bend Area Telemark Skiers (BATS) | Meetup

    And for folks on Facebook, consider joining us here: Telemark Oregon | Facebook

    Sat March 1 is World Telemark Day and TeleFest at Hoodoo Mountain, please consider joining us for that fun event. We will host clinics and group skis as well as other fun events and a wrap up bonfire.

    On behalf of Mark Waters and I, we love teaching these more advanced clinics for CONC and getting to ski with you folks and watch your skills progress. Thank You.

    Woody Keen 

    And some comments from students:

    "Woody and Mark do a real good job of basic telemark skiing.  The one thing I noticed this year, is the ability of the skiers is going up and there are new faces.  The members of the Nordic club should take this session, to get out of their comfort zone.  It’ll make you a better all around skier." - Brad

    "I wanted to share the clinic was both fun and informative/educational experience.  Hat’s off to Woody and Mark for being able to teach multiple people at multiple levels all at the same time.  Impressive to say the least.  We had the most superb conditions". - Piper

  • 19 Feb 2025 6:18 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    David Gast led a tour to the Swede Shelter, enjoying the longer intermediate. The snow was soft and the trail had been skied recently so they did not get to enjoy breaking trail. 

    The several short steep downhill sections require one to be able to negotiate long moderately steep and short steep hills as outlined in the requirements for intermediate tours. The side hill section of about 1/4  mile in length on the trail between Swede shelter back towards swampy was tricky as usual but there was plenty of soft snow and it was not icy. We had minor issues with snow sticking to skis which reapplying of glide wax got our skis back to gliding happily.

  • 19 Feb 2025 12:49 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Text contributed by trip leader Mark Waters
    Photos and video contributed by Mark Darnell

    It should be called Potato Chill since the windchill temps were around -10 on the more open upper sections. Three Nordic Club skiers all on AT gear that had some stellar powder and wind deposited powder on the upper mountain and a fast run down Jackpine trail back to the snopark!

    Check out this video from the day:

  • 17 Feb 2025 9:50 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Contributed by trip leader Kelly Cleman
    Eight snowshoers left the Skyliner Sno Park and headed out along the Tumalo Creek Trail towards Tumalo Falls. Temperatures had warmed up for the previous few days and so it wasn't so hard to get going. The trail was trodden in by previous users, but the snow was still soft and easy to walk on. It started snowing softly about an hour in as views of snowy Tumalo Creek came into view. We made it to the Falls and snapped some personal as well as a group photo at the base. There were a few other small groups there, but not crowded at all. The snow was already up past the picnic tables, so we had to have our snacks standing up. One participant had brought chocolate chip cookies to share with the group--a welcome treat. We then headed back along the road. The track was well trammeled, so we probably could've taken off our snowshoes and walked. We encountered several people who were without snowshoes and not having any trouble walking. We made it back to the Sno Park in good time. A good day to get out and be in nature!

  • 17 Feb 2025 9:39 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Contributed by trip leader Dennis Krakow

    The Swampy figure 8 became more of a barbell shape. With just 4 of us, we passed on breaking trail up Butte Trail and Flagline Tie.  We did bust trail up Ridge Loop, where we saw how well last summer's limb trimming worked to prevent or reduce tree wells.  Very good, indeed.  A good day, but 4 hours due to so much trail breaking.
    33 degrees at the start and 30 at the end.  We could literally feel the snow thickening as the tour went on and were happy that our hard work was early in the trip.

  • 12 Feb 2025 7:17 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    David Gast led five CONC members on route through Swampy that included the Ridge Loop and Crosscut trails, skiing clockwise.  They enjoyed bright blue skis and fresh snow... and chilly temperatures.  

    They had our lunch at the "restaurant with the worlds finest view" on the open flat overlooking the Swamp of swampy snow park beneath the gaze of Tumalo.


  • 11 Feb 2025 7:39 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The XCD clinic is a great way to work on lots of downhill techniques without burning all your energy climbing the hill.  Instead, the lifts at Hooddoo take care of that, and for only $35 on Thrifty Thursday.  11 students were eager to learn from instructors Woody Keen and Mark Waters, and all had a great day.

    As Ed put it, “Today’s XCD Clinic at Hoodoo ski area was an effective , efficient, way to expedite learning and build confidence to attempt backcountry downhill turns, and enjoy the experience.“  Excellent, Ed!

  • 8 Feb 2025 7:57 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Friday's ski to Bare Lake, led by Chuck DeVoe, had better weather than expected. 

    As we left the marked trails near Todd Lake, we found lovely uphill tracks set out by other folks that were probably on AT gear. We managed to work our way up to where we were well above Bare Lake, enjoying the views of Mt Bachelor and Sparks Lake. 

    The fresh snow made for marvelous turns as   we glided down to Bare and then back to Todd Lake. 

  • 3 Feb 2025 8:47 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    John Harvey "checked all the boxes" Feb. 2 on his first trip as a leader for the club.  "Wonderful trip today. A perfect outing for the Nordeen Shelter loop."  He received positive feedback from the group and had some awesome views.  Well done John!


  • 3 Feb 2025 8:36 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Five of us enjoyed a nice ski to Tumalo falls, led by David Gast. There were a few interesting descents and twisty sections which we all "enjoyed" on the trail along Tumalo creek. The view at the falls was beautiful as always. The return trip on the road was a fun cruise.  About an inch of new snow fell during our trip. 

    This is a good ski which can be enjoyed when we have fresh low elevation snow.


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The Central Oregon Nordic Club, PO Box 744, Bend, OR 97709, is chapter of the Oregon Nordic Club, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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